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SWF seeking friends in Santiago

SWF, English/Spanish bilingual seeking friends for laughter, serious talks, impromptu trips to the coast, the central valley and silly-item shopping (getting lost optional), academic pursuits, patience, rollerblading, bicycling and long walks a plus. I particularly...

Reading my former me, with photo from 1992

Nineeteen years ago yesterday I wrote the following in an unlined sketchbook during a six-month backpacking trip to Central America I took with a good college friend, who I am now friends with on facebook, but haven’t really spoken to in years. Nov. 14th,...

What I learned about photography from my dead father

In the slow and sometimes fast shift that is life, the remaining people in my family have moved, or are moving. I say remaining, because we at Smith family central have, at this point, buried more of us than there are still alive. I learned about death very young, and...