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There are places in the world that scream with color. Where in the middle of a pale blue sky pops a stark white cloud, against a red ridge. Where azure lakes appear over the horizon, turning milky turquoise, and rimmed with yellow and purple lupins.

New Zealand is one of these places. Last southern summer (February), I spent a few weeks pedalling around the South Island of New Zealand, stopping first in Christchurch to pick up a rental bike, and then pedalling through what seemed to be page after page of the calendar that I’d make if I were in charge of New Zealand’s PR.

There were reds, oranges, yellows, greens and blues all together:

Red hot pokers, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand







And paths of dark red snaking through frondy overgrowth:

Rata in Franz Josef





And blue and white and gold:

Open road







and purplish:

Flower in garden in Oamaru







and blue on blue:

Skydiving in Wanaka (not me!)







red against grey:

Lone poppy along the Crown Saddle







and even the brown bits were curly and undulating and dotted with green:

Fern near Roaring Billy Falls







And then, at the end of the day, this opaque blue would descend:

Night on the South Island







I really enjoyed my trip to New Zealand and would love to head back sometime soon. Wishing the Kiwi people strength, and lots of tourism!