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Sometimes you will invite people over to dinner, and during the course of the meal, you will unroll a giant, unweildy map you have on the country, and this will happen.

This was how it all started

And then, when you’re least expecting it, someone will call you on the phone, and say, hey, let’s go up to the mountains for the weekend.

And you will take the metro, getting off at the new Los Dominicos stop.

metro station Los Dominicos

And find these silly boys with their arrow signs and follow those, as if you hadn’t guessed that the connecting bus was upstairs, and would have wandered around for the rest of your life in the new metro station, or at least until it closed and they kicked you out.


And then for good measure you could follow the signs on the street, in case you’d gotten confused between the arrows and outside.

take one of these buses

And then you would get off the bus here, at San Carlos de Apoquindo

And then you would walk, up and away from the city


first slowly, in the sun, then more quickly as time moved forward and you saw this behind you


And this ahead:


Until it was so dark and you couldn’t see anything at all, except the glow of the city in the background, the snacks you ate for dinner and a sole candle burning in a tuna can in the firepit because we were all too lazy to even think about building a fire.

Like I did, you’ll have to wait to see the flora. But oh! was there flora.
Plants come tomorrow. They always do.

Here’s a preview, of wild asters, in three stages.

Vivid (the actual salto, or waterfall in the background)




Ready to be reborn (my favorite, brought to you by manual focus, thorns in my knee and a whole lot of patience).


WARNING: This hike is no longer easily accessed from this point. You now have to go to La Reina and pay a fee to get in. You may be able to talk your way in from the above point, but they now seem to require a “membership” to the stadium to let you in from this point. I will update where to get to this hike, or google for more info.