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When you’re not here, you’re fuera

¡Fuera! is what you shout at a dog (if you don’t shout ¡Sale!) when you want him to go outside. Fuera (no exclamation points) is also what we say when it turns out you aren’t, or won’t be where you normally are. BTW, this is about fuera, which is...

La Guantera, a tale of linguistic innocence

It was nighttime on the local, speedbump-laden and dog-ridden highway from Chichen Itza back to the airport and we were in a rental car. There were three of us, my ex and I and a vegan guy named Chuck who ate mostly almonds the whole time we’d been in Cuba on a...


Years ago, just having barely moved to Chile, I was enjoying what was to be the first of many rainstorms. It had rained in the morning, the mountains were out, and I, along with every other santiaguino, old and new, was craning my neck to the east to stunning views....