by Eileen | Dec 4, 2012 | chile
There used to be a bridge over the river in Talca (the Rio Claro), but it got old, and fell into disuse, though you can still find beer bottles and the occasional tombstone (no, I’m not kidding). After a while, a new bridge was built, shiny and with metal...
by Eileen | Sep 5, 2012 | photography, travel
Typical breakfast in Costa Rica Ever since an 8.8 earthquake hit Chile in February, 2010, I take earthquakes very personally. Were the people afraid? Did it roar and shake, and did the water splash in the sink and did the roof fall in and did your favorite tree just...
by Eileen | Dec 9, 2011 | Uncategorized
A funny thing happened to me this afternoon during one of two naps that I took. Yes, two. I was in transit for 28.5 hours, during which I slept not nearly enough, and last night I even managed to dream that the turbulence on the plane was an earthquake (remember, I...
by Eileen | Jul 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
If you are from Concepción, you are a penquista. Which makes it sound like you’re from Penco, which you’re not, but you used to be. At least you’re not from penca, which means (roughly) lame, though it is also a kind of thistle which makes a nice,...